Movement Therapy
Movement therapy refers to a broad range of Western and Eastern movement approaches used to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Both therapies are drawn from a deep inquiry of natural and intuitive movement explorations rooted in embodied awareness, the aim is to create a change of old movement habits, a journey in to the feeling sense on how your brain organizes your body posture, and how we construct a sense of self.
The Physical benefits of movement therapy include great ease and range of motion, helping with balance, strength, flexibility, improving muscle tone and coordination, joint release, and cardiovascular conditioning.
They are good for ease up and in some cases cure physical conditions such as:
- Rheumatoid degeneration
- Neurological stress
- Back pain
- Left & right imbalances
- Neck & shoulder pain
- Releases muscular tension and joint stiffness
- Improves physical flexibility, balance and co-ordination
Since movements are related to thoughts and feelings, movement therapy is beneficial in alleviating emotional distress. The physical freedom facilitated by movement therapy leads to greater emotional openness, adding an increase of self-esteem and self-image. Movement therapy can also be used as meditation practice to quiet the mind and expand the breath, fostering self-knowledge and creativity
Emotional conditions that movement therapy can help are:
- Eating disorders
- Excessive clinging
- Depression
- Releases emotional stress so decreasing anxiety
- Encourages deeper, more relaxed breathing
I use several technics in to my practice such as:
is a unique form of hands-on bodywork resembling the functional technique of osteopathy, except that each movement occurs within a matrix of continuous rocking motion applied to the whole body, as a form of movement re-education and postural integration, Pulsing uses a very gently and nurturing approach in an attempt to increase body awareness and sensitivity.
Mayan Shawl Massage
In traditional Mayan medicine, rebozos (shawls) are used to align the spine and relieve back pain, this is done with rebozos that are tied at the waist or around the arms and hips to align the spine, giving you an immediate sensation of relaxation and liberation. The therapist will rock your body using a shawl with the intention to liberate muscle tension and bone misalignment, giving mobility to joints and muscles, as well as to assist lymphatic drainage and increase blood circulation.
Pilates or physical Mind Method, is a series of nonimpact exercises designed to develop strength, flexibility, balance, alignment of the spine, and inner awareness. Since this method strengthens and lengthens the muscles without creating bulk, it is particular to aid core strength and for injury rehabilitation.
The ancient teaching of yoga are great for postural alignment and movement in general, excellent to find how to connect with the whole of the body
Rolfing Movement
Is a movement education system for developing balance, support of an action in the gravitational field, is based on the concepts and work of Ida Rolf the author of Structural Integration or Rolfing, a type of manual therapy that aims to improve human performance. The body is seen as a unit rather than to treat particular symptoms. Rolfing movement integration evaluates a person’s normal patterns of walking, standing, sitting and various other activities to help a person to achieve a freer and more balanced movement, releasing specific holding patterns.
Trigger Point Massage or Neuromuscular Massage
Trigger point refers to a localised “knot” of tense muscle which, when stimulated, evokes a pain response elsewhere in the body. Usually the knots are solidifying fascia tissue. Trigger Point massage use soft balls to stimulate and dissolve the “knot”
Embodied Mindfulness
Embodied mindfulness is about to practice how to clear the mind by feeling the vibrancy of body’s sensations. The Technique is a non-invasive re-educational technique, with excellent therapeutic benefits. It is a practical way of learning to release unwanted tension and increase appropriate tone, so that we can move more freely and easily. For healing to occur is essential to learn hot to move your body and mind with a quality of presence and investigation in to what is happening in to the present moment.
To make an appointment please Call: 07 805 455 437
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