Why is Yoga essential in any Strength Training Program

Why is Yoga essential in any Strength Training Program

  Yoga and strength training may appear as conflicting practices in nature but in essence, they complement each other perfectly, and here’s why: Strength training is heavy and tough going, whereas yoga is fluid and soft going, and it’s precisely because of the conflicting nature of the practices, that they complement each other so well….

Listen… Remember The Evolution Of Movement. Awakening Cellular Breathing
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Listen… Remember The Evolution Of Movement. Awakening Cellular Breathing

[youtube v=KDuYs9VG8Lk This Way of movement exploration was performed in the beautiful beach of Cala Saladita in Ibiza Spain. I did it after doing a few rounds of Cellular Breathing and sounding the out-breath. Both are works coming from movement researchers as Emilie Conrad author of “Continuum Movement”, and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen founder of “Body-Mind…