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Sacred Spirals Spirals are a common shape found in nature, as well as in sacred architecture. In the natural world, we find spirals in the DNA double helix, sunflowers, whirlpools, weather patterns, vine tendrils, galaxies, snail shells, and ferns. Look at your fingertip and you will see a spiral, even the shape of your hair…

Awakening The Spine, Kundalini Elixir
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Awakening The Spine, Kundalini Elixir

[youtube v=”m5s2cqzNoGA&t=7s”] Hydrating vs. Dehydrating tissue Movement is the most important factor (next to water) for keeping our tissue subtle and elastic. The process of fascial hydration contributes to the feeling of pliability and suppleness; therefore movement is key. Fibers within the muscle work in a complex balance of relaxation, contraction and stretch. Strength comes…

Why Is It So Important To Feel Grounded?
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Why Is It So Important To Feel Grounded?

  One of the most important teachings I give in any Yoga Anatomy Workshop is to show students how to ground themselves. Before starting with the very basic, yet effective explorations in to how to do it, let’s study the definition of ‘grounding’. One common definition of grounding is related to electricity supply systems; the…